Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Technological Determinism, Social Construction/Shaping of Technology

                          Internet,a global network connecting millions of computers. The internet has it's advantages and disadvantages. Some people believe the internet is the most dangerous weapon ever created because it is a place where all identities can be stolen, homes are invaded, a place for mankind to exercise it's darkest desires,an open market where you can purchase anything you want. The internet is taking us to a place where everything we do is watched,monitored and processed without our consent.
                           Whereas, there are people who believe that the internet is a good thing, the most education tool the world has ever known, the only place freedom of speech exists. Shortly after the internet became popular in the states, two movies films were released (you've got mail or The net) which serve as cultural referent for understanding online romance and theft (pg23). According to (Sturken & Thomas,2004) there was an urban legend about "sympathetic needles" which allowed people to communicate across distance in the sixteenth century.
                                We all use the internet for different purposes such as : business and a wide range of people use it for social networking sites ( facebook,twitter,myspace e.t.c). we all love the internet even though it's the most dangerous weapon ever created.

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