The marketing ideology and myths of web by Trebor Scholz are divided into eight parts. The first part which is the shifting of web 2.0. H e talked about how web 2.0 came into existence. Tim Reilly distinguished between the web 1.0 and 2.0 by associating it with the "new participatory architectures of the web.
The second part which is the new newness of technologies, he also talks about how the web has been in existence but knowing that newness sells the technological world hence the introduction of the web 2.0. The third part which is the wikis and user-submitted content, talks about how Ward Cunningham developed wiki-wiki web. This has in turn increased the social life online and the user interface is more user friendly. The rest of the article talks more about the social networking sites, RSS, CSS and blogging. RSS helps you to subscribe to web pages and receive updates, CSS which is the cascading style sheets were developed as a means for creating a consistent approach to providing information for web documents.
However, the article goes on to talk about pod-casting and folksonomies. Folksonomies is a method of collaboratively creating and managing keywords to anotate and categorize content. The penultimate and final part of the article is the web 2.0 ideology, the power of naming, and the imagination of the future of the web. These goes to talk about and the future of the technological market.
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